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Saturday, May 30, 2009

♥ hibahibahiba~


today is spring cleaning day..which mean washing of instruments!whoohoo!the horn section were separated into 2,one for washing the horns while the others clean the slides. Being the one washing the horns, we could not help playing with water along the process of washing.hehehe.me,huiqing and kitju were taking turns holding the end of the hose to the tap to let the water run through and it was really a tiring job!have to hold on to the hose firmly or it will wet u -.- Done with the horns, an idea struck my senior's mind.She went tp get a cup filled with water and started scaring ppl with it. And We were frightened of her.how silly.hehehe.Cleaned up the horn and ready to home.Just then, the careless me dropped a mouthpiece.ohgreat.as a punishment i had to run 2 rounds around the walkway.So i was going like*run*run*pant*pant*..didnt noe i was so unfit.

FINALLY,I COULD RETURN HOME.home sweet home.took a small nap*yawn* and get ready FOR A TRIP TO THE ESCAPE THEME PARK!HEHE!here's the fun. As u noe, there is ALWAYS lots of people there,we spent 2hours queuing up for the go-kart. And u noe wat,when it was our turn,they say tat i'm too short so i have to be accompanied by an adult. 0.O so my daddy had to drive me.no fair~i waited so long for it and this is wat happens!boohooo!*rolls around the ground* Chey,but it doesnt feels tat bad abt being drive as least u get to enjoy the breeze.

After tat, we went to the mini go-kart and this time,i'm qualified to drive on my own!! ^>^ as long as u are above 147cm tall actually.hehe.so sit in the car,get ready to hit the road!!UNFORTUNATELY, it wasnt as easy as u might thought,not tat i'm a bad driver. the road goes like this.up the spiral and zooms down and down the spiral or something like tat.so up the spiral i go. as i have no experience in driving, going up the spiral was like turning round and round till u get dizzzy. i stepped on the accelerator and then the brake repeatedly .so my car was going *vooom!*eeekk!*voooom!eeeeek!*hiaz..laugh peeps.anyway,i managed to reach the top SAFELY and the scariest moment of my life had arrived!i closed my one eye and STEP ON THE ACCELERATOR WITHOUT HESITATION AND WEE~i went down like a rollercoaster,screaming'AHHHHHHH!'-.-''hibahibahibahiba~so this happened for the next 2rounds.BUT on the finally round, as i was finishing,i realised my car suddenly stopped midway.HUH?!i went .Panicking,i stepped on the accelerator and the car moved a timy little bit.my mind was in a blank.what happen? u might ask.actually, the reason why the car isnt moving is becos my other leg was stepping on the brake AT THE SAME TIME!haha!tats why it isnt moving!mystery solved!haha.how silly of me!so i was last in placed -.-great.
With tat, i went to ride abit of the ''rollercoastor''(kid-version) and home.such a intriguing day isnt it?^^
okay,tats all.

8:36 AM

Friday, May 15, 2009

After clearing my mind, i made the decision to post and it is going to be a long one(so that i can excuse myself from posting for awhile.shh.heh.jk)Today is the last day of our examinations paper.We met Ranice and Jiawei on the way to interchange and she suggested that we go to her house to practice clarinet(weiyun actually, me and jiayan were just calefaring around.heh)
So,at her house,we did alot of stuff!ohya,jiayan and jiawei intro me a gamewebsite -hotel626.com .
Reading the website already tells us that it is somethig spooky and frightening.hahs.and it was. My fren was saying lots about how she completed the level but when the game was about to start,she saied that she'手软' hahas.Anyway,this game is about a guy,living in the hotel, woke up due to uneasiness and left his room. Out of the sudden,there was darkness and u must quickly get into a specific room before it reaches you. if it did, u will enter a toilet filled with nothing but darkness. With a camera, u will have to take a photo of the 'ghost' and it will suddenly appear in the screen cosing u to get REALLY FREAK OUT. that whats happen to us. Entering the toilet,jiayan randomly took pics and everyone else was just covering their ears and peeking at the computer. i and weiyun were sayin'我很帕!不要看'heheh.fuuny huh,laugh peeps.cos i'm.heheh.
Enough with the ghost thingy,i gives me gosebump(sp?).*shivering* After tat, we went to watch lots of funny vidoes on youtube that can make u laugh till u get stomachache.hahhas. one of the many was...er
- japanese learning how to speak english(i think)
- david chesterfield magic
- happy tree friends(which is totally disgusting..eeee)
Not long after we when to weiyun's house by FOOT.It started raining half-way through and we shelter ourselve by going to a void-deck and ended up hiding at a corner as the rain and wind was really big as if it could blow u away.WHOOSH!WHOOSH
Made our way to her house after the rain subsided.Fooled around at her house,simply taking pics with weird poses.Played scramble to past time.Time passes so quickly that it is already 6pm so we left her house.Jiayan suggested us walking back home since its ONLY a few bus stop away so we went on, but slowly regretted.hahs.we went to take a short ccut and ended up walking a big round which lands us behind XINMIN SEC.thought i see tricia cos i could hear the sound of the trumpet.*depressed*my tricia~.(dunn be jealous my pal,jkjk)On the way back, we could see puddles of water and we started jumping into them. BUT,only ended up wetting myself...haiz....so back at home at 6.40pm.
Took a long shower and now posting.shall end here.this is long enough yah.will post the pics we took if possibe.chiaos, my friends!

5:49 AM

Thursday, April 9, 2009

♥ my week;D

nothing much happened todae.
ohya!today my we changed sits and i was sitting beside weiyu.
During chemistry lesson,the teacher was going throught the homework and students were picked to answer the question.
After answering th question,the students will have to picked another person but from the opposite gender.
So,this fren of mine was called(its a'she'),and actually pointed to me and picked me.
My jaws dropped=.=
The teacher said this'so u prefer to pick a girl' but my fren replied'noo.he's a guy~'
Both feelings gushed through me
1)i was furious for being regarded as a boy,infront of the whole class in fact
2)i didnt noe i looked like a guy to her!i must have looked so C-0-0-L~
But anyway,i forgave her.
Not long after,the bell rang and off we go...

today was great!i feel very hyper!
In the morning,due to bad weather,we are asked to stay in class for pledge!xDyeah!
our gg results were released and i did well!wooho!*way to go,me!*
most of all,our english teacher didnt come due to some course work and we had the whole 1/2hour to ourselve!yipee.
BUT,the bad thing is..
However,my running improved gratually
1st time=22.xxmin(failed)
2nd time=18.56mins(passed by 10se.PHEW)
3rd time=18.21mins(PASSED!)
see the differ?hahas.i have indeed improved!

Ohya,i realised something.some people in my class are sicked in the mind.
during character education peroid,when teacher showed us this video abt how we can have a healthy relationship ,most of the people cheered and applaused,as if they were enthu abt it=.=(dunn even think abt it-i'm not one of them)haiz...dunn even noe what they are thinking abt...

And then...RINNGGGG!SCHOOL HAD ENDED AND sarah,natalie,jiayan,tze ning ,weiyun and me head for the chicken rice stall for lunch.On the way there,at one part where there is two pavement- the slope and the stairs
natalie and i was abt to walk to the slope and the rest at the stairs
Weyun said: nooo!natalie is mine!u must walk with me!
Natalie:* went with weiyun*
yolanda:ARG!NOOOO!*stay away from natalie u third party!*
Sarah said:tze ning come with me~
tze ning: *nodded*
jiayan: my yolanda come to me~
yolanda:eee..(stay away *x*)
jiayan:nevermind. i go with tze ning
Tze ning:*goes with jiayan*
yolanda:neverming.come sarah,we walked together~
sarah:no way!i want tze ning!
yolanda:how could u reject me T^T


anyway,we ate our lunch and separate at the interchange
i'll stop here.


4:18 AM

Friday, April 3, 2009

♥ unlucky day of mine...

HELLO!After seeing my blog dead for many days (more like weeks),i decided to revive it again!
anyway,today's post is abt the unlucky day of mine.IT WAS AS IF EVERYTHING IS GOING AGAINST ME OR SOMETHING.
When i went to the parade square for assembly,my button came off and fell into the drain.it created a small opening at the part where u button urslef.hah.Becos of that tiny little button,i had to cover tat opening for the whole time.isnt it unlucky of me?
As there is english compo test today,I studied hard for it for the past few days but my efforts went to the drain when i was doing the compo.There were 5 topics for us to choose and at first i picked the one tat says ''describe an occasion(Blah.blah.blah)''
With minutes left after finishing my compo, i saw the word OCCASION and thought tat the story i wrote have to be something about a ceremony or big event and i must be out of point.SO i changed my question from 1 to 5(which was KINDNESS as my story was quite close to it) without much consideration.hah.BUT I WAS WRONG.after the test,i realise tat 'occasion' is not wat i thought.and walah.say bye bye to my A.
We had HE practical test today too and it oso turned out in a disatrous way.I was doing steamed yam cake and everything was going well until i pour the mixture of flour and water to the pan.As the fire was burning hot,i quicky pour the mixture into the pan.I saw a big patch of white gluey thingy still left in the bowl.immediately, i thought tat it was an unwanted stuff and pour it away.much to my astonishment,it was actually the FLOUR.HAHA.how dumb of me -.-''the result of my food was horrible .instead of being a steamed yam cake,it was a watery,gluey,squasy yam cake.
And most probably i wouldnt do well for the practical test.
haiZ...writing about all this make me kinda depressed....shall not talk abt it anymore so i'll end the post.bye.

4:04 AM

Monday, March 16, 2009

♥ post~

3:35 AM

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

hello.after seeing Xinhui's post ,i realize i should post something too.
today nothing much happened.In the morning,we had the sym band to perform the national attem,school song,choice piece and set piece(SYF) for us.Throughout the performance,everything was well played.it was truly amazing!xD
After tat,we had our chemistry leeson folowed by the guitar lesson!we are currntly learning the song-LOVE STORY-^^Even so,we had a tiring and difficult time doing so.Playing the guitar wasnt easy.We had to press the string so hard tat it left marks on our hands -.-''sometime i rreally regretted learning guitar.
Anyways,soon it was recess.bought wantanmee and settle down to eat!^__^
mins before the bell rings,we rushed back to our classroom to prepare for english lesson.it was boring as usual so i wont talk abt it.Next peroid was math then chinese.for both subject,we were given back our CT2 and both my results dropped by alot 0__0guess i'll have to work harder for the upcoming test T.T

the good thing is ,after the both lessons,we had a free-period!my friend and i fought over a mirror and she even tried to mess up my neatly gel hair ^>^haha.

not long after,the bell rang and we all went to the near mac to have our lunch adn after tat,me and jiayan took 147 back home.half way throughout the journey,the bus broke down or something and we had to walk all the way back home.

will end the post here.CYA


2:41 AM

Saturday, February 7, 2009

♥ BBQ party

this post is abt THE BBQ PARTY!
this is how it goes...
me,sarah,weiyun,jiayan and audrey decided to meet at the playground round 2pm before we went to clive's house for the bbq which starts at 4pm.After chatting for awhile,clive appeared out of nowhere in his bike and led us to his house .there was nothing much to see except for his pictures^^.His sister then brought out 6-7 of her hamsters to let us play with them^^the hamster was so soft and furry which made me feel like squashing it BUT ididnt >.<
A while later,we went down to the pit to fill up the water balloons^>^it was alot hard work,many of us were wet by the balloons when filling it.Screaming,shouting could be heard.Despite tat,we had alot of fun.^^Having done with the balloons,me,weiyun,sarah and clive set up the fire 4 the BBq while the rest went to collect the cake and bring rest of the class members ,who are meeting at the sch gate,here.
we played around with the charcoal and made out hands black-.-''In the end,we messed up;X.somehow,we managed to start it.haha.
Soon,the whole class plus the JC ppl arrived and the BBQ started.WHOOO!!
Some ppl did the bbqing while others went around to play.

me and my two friends secretly took some water bombs and went to throw it at the boys.lol.however,we were told not to do so.We stopped the bombing and went to take pictures!!

After tat,we went to a corner to play games(consentration) and ate after they are done with the bbqing.
A while later,it was time for ...WATER BOMBS!haha.all i could see was bombs flying over from one place to another.but of course,i was hit by it somehow.lol.some ppl even took filled the buckets with water.the whole area was so chaotic!!haiz...should have taken a video of it^_^anyway,some of the ppl went up to change after the water bomb gaming.i wasnt really wet so ididnt change ^^a while later,we played some game and went home.THE END!THIS POST IS WAY TOO LONG~

6:42 PM

♥ theGrumpyToast ♥

      theGrumpyToast is very grumpy. Beware, this toast bites.

      12 this year
      studying in Zhonghua sec
      ANIME and MANGA are LOVED by ME♥(:

♥ Thank you ♥